Tuesday, July 25, 2006

West Haven Tax Rally

We went to the West Haven, CT tax rally last night; we were astonished to hear that:
  • The Mayor of West Haven doesn't own property in West Haven
  • The former Superintendent of schools, Paul Tortora, was given a pension worth something to the effect of 80% of his $140,000+ salary after only working as superintendent for 4 years. [NOTE: Further research has revealed that Mr. Tortora has worked for the school system for 30+ years - our apologies to Mr. Tortora, who clearly has earned his dues.]
  • That because our educational budget has been slashed, that we are going to pay 6-figure penalties to the state of Connecticut (Why not spend this money on our kids - our future - instead of giving this money to the state of Connecticut?
Are these statements rumors or propaganda? Truthfully, we don't know... yet.

If West Haven has financial problems, sure, we have to fix them. But we CANNOT do this in one year. I look up and down the streets, and roughly 20-25% of our town appears to be up for sale now. The taxes are chasing long-time residents and pensioners out of their homes!

What we have heard greatly alarms us -- so we want to learn the truth, and give people a place to discuss this problem. What is truly fact is that West Haven taxes went up 30-40% (and in some cases, much more... our taxes increased by 50%).... and they went up at a rate that most people cannot afford. Let's find out the truth!!

1 comment:

West Haven Tax Payer said...

I hear you... the mayor is listed in the phone book as living at 16 Gregory Road - that's owned by his mother (Carmelina Picard), who works in the school system here in West Haven.

However, if you go to AnyWho.com, and plug in Picard, West Haven, CT, he's listed as living (with his wife Tara) at 212 Ocean Avenue ... which is owned by his inlaws!!!!