Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Breaking News from our Readers (Structure31)

This just in from one of our readers in response to the West Haven Taypayer Initiative ignored by Council post:
New news on the taxpayer initiative. The leaders of this group have said they will filing an election enforcement complaint tomorrow and possible criminal complaint. Appearently,AFTER Charles Marino got up at the podium on Monday and said he thought some petition circulators might have not been voters, he had Kaplowe and Grengas removed from the voter list on Tuesday. therefore, he was untruthful at the podium when he said they weren't voters (they were at the time of circulation)and then played with their constitutioal right to vote. The Taxpayer initiative leaders are calling it political retribution for circulating petitions and trying to take away the will of the people. stay tuned on that one.
The plot just keeps thickening.

HOWEVER... My memory recalls the scenario a little bit differently - I remember Charles Marino stating that some petition circulators were registered in two states at the same time at the time that the petitions were being handed in. The oath that the petition circulators had to give at that time, he said, indicated that they were still valid voters in their locale.

I may have it wrong, but it's my understanding that if you register in a new jurisdiction, the new jurisdiction notifies the old one the date as of which you registered in a new area, and as of that date, you are no longer considered part of the voter list for the old jurisdiction.

Can anyone point me to statutes that backup or refute this?

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