Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Reader Feedback from 'Bob Symmes'- unverified author, but credible sounding statements.

I received the following as a comment on the Clarifications of the West Haven Taxpayer Initiative post from a user named 'Bob Symmes':
We tried to keep the politics out of the Initiative process, but of course the Mayor and his cronies couldn't help themselves:

1) they took my illustration of a budget that could save money for the City...and used it as an actual proposal (showing it around saying "this is what will happen if they have their way")

2) they decided not even to entertain the petition itself.
While I have no way currently to verify the authenticity of the poster, the statements make sense in context of explaining the frustration exhibited by Mr. Symmes at the meeting the other night. His statements did indicate that not enough information had been given to him in order to present a revised budget proposal; and this made the statement by Curtiss Jordan about the Finance Committee recommendations to not accept the budget given by the WHTI odd. The comments above explain that.

Politics definitely do seem to continue to run thick in West Haven, despite many calling for non-partisan teamwork...

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