Tuesday, August 08, 2006

West Haven and Lawsuits - legal costs.

Today's New Haven Register has an article entitled "Election fraud claims tossed" which talks a ruling in two lawsuits filed against three elected officials who ran under former Mayor Borer's "A Better Future" slate were tossed out. The lawsuit alleged that these candidates (four registered democrats who were elected , and one registered republican who lost his bid) did not notify the electorate that they kept their party affiliations while running under the "A Better Future" slate, and that the GOP Registrar of Voters Jo Ann Callegari did not hold a meeting with Republican Town Chairman Paul Frosolone did not remove the republican candidate from the GOP rolls.

Corporation Counsel Peter C. Barrett defended the elected officials, and former corporation counsel Paul J. Dorsi defended Paul Frosolone... so who is picking up the bill? Is it West Haven taxpayers?

Over the past few years, West Haven political activists (and in some cases, 'gadflies') have become extremely litigious, costing taxpayers plenty in often non-budgeted funds.

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