Thursday, August 10, 2006

WTNH - who is to blame, and what was this really about?

WTNH's take on the meeting was interesting, and one that it bears well to keep in mind. While Mayor Picard is quoted as having said "No fiscal controls, no fiscal responsibility, no accountability in place" about the money mismangement of the past 10 years while Mayor Borer was in office, the following statement from the WTNH report is one that I've wondered about:
Others say, it only created more confusion because during the years in question Mayor Picard himself was the chairman of the city council so he would have hired the city auditors and okayed most expenditures.
WTNH goes on to quote Mayor Borer:
"What they're trying to do is mask the fact that he had to raise taxes when he promised everybody during the campaign that he was gonna lower their taxes," Borer said. "He actually doubled everybody's taxes and he's trying to point the finger."
Mayor Picard, I'd like to say that you can't have it both ways -- if there were financial problems over the past 10 years, you're going to have to take a share of the blame. You also can't sweep the fact that your budget means that West Haven taxpayers now have more taxes than they can afford. Something has GOT to give.


West Haven Tax Payer said...

I haven't had time to fully go through the audit as of yet - I'd welcome any analysis of questionable items in the audit. Feel free to email me your points to and I'll be happy to post your points with credit to 'west haven lover'.

West Haven Tax Payer said...

I fully understand not wanting to disclose your identity! That's why I set up my account, which doesn't have my name attached to it.

However, I'm happy to republish your articles for you with full credit as I did with your other one, if that's ok with you!

West Haven Tax Payer said...

Sorry for the delay - I actually took a week off to do work ;) I've reposted your comments.