Saturday, September 02, 2006

West Haven shows deficiencies in latest "No Child Left Behind" list

I haven't yet commented on the latest results of the standardized testing, and West Haven's standing... partly because I have problems with unfunded federal mandates. "No Child Left Behind" dictates that every child be taught the same information, but doesn't give funding sources... and that means that cash strapped cities and towns like West Haven must often cut other services to acommodate the needs of a federal mandate - I do have problems with that in principle.

Additionally, while I recognize that standardized testing is the mechanism used to check for results, I don't feel that every child learns the same way.... 'bubble' tests, that do not allow for questions about the questions, and reading tests where teachers can't explain what they are looking for seem to be of limited use.

Growing up, I was an A/B student who had a very hard time with tests in general - I could apply information without trouble, but rote memorization was very hard for me. In real life, I can look up information... it's being able to apply it that has served me well.

but I digress...

The Hartford Courant published a list of "The Latest No Child Left Behind List", which gave the deficiencies of schools, town by town. Here's where West Haven was listed as deficient:
  • Whole deficiencies in math and reading:

  • Whole deficiencies in math:
    Carrigan Middle School

  • Whole deficiencies in reading:
    Clarence E. Thompson (elementary)

  • Subgroup deficiencies in math and reading:
    Forest (elementary), Harry M. Bailey Middle

  • Subgroup deficiencies in math:

  • Subgroup deficiencies in reading:
    Alma E. Pagels (elementary)
According to an expanded article on the Courant's site:
Whole school deficiencies cover the entire student population. Subgroup identifies minorities, special education or low-income students.

1 comment:

Colonial Park Taxpayer said...

Hi again, while you're on the topic of schools... I have one comment. The sign out in front of Bailey Middle School has black spray paint on it. It's been like that for over a year now. I cringe every time I drive by it. I would've hoped the city DPW would've removed this paint during the summer but they have not. It really looks awful and should be repaired. Thanks for your time.