Friday, September 08, 2006

West Nile Virus mosquito termination - another approach has an interesting post on the Westport/Weston approach to mosquito eradication. Basically, they are giving out up to 4 larvicide "briquettes" for dropping into stagnant water pools on resident's property. These briquettes contain Bti, which is a bacterial larvicide which give up to 30 days of protection... sounds like an interesting approach.

The article also offers the following practical advice:

The district offered these suggestions on preventing West Nile virus:

  • Limit outdoor activities from dusk to dawn.
  • Wear clothing that minimizes bare skin.
  • Use mosquito repellents on clothing.
  • Follow the directions on labels for insecticides or repellents.
  • Cover arms and legs of children playing near standing water.
  • Cover playpens or carriages with mosquito netting.
  • After any significant rainfall, remember to remove any standing water from your property.
  • Remove objects that can hold standing water.
  • Fill in holes, ditches, or tree trunks with sand or cement.
  • Clean house gutters on a regular basis.
  • Empty wadding pools and bird baths every four to seven days.
  • Chlorinate swimming pools regularly.
  • Eliminate collected water on boat and pool covers.
  • Avoid over-watering of lawns.
  • Fix holes in screens and attach properly to windows.

1 comment:

Colonial Park Taxpayer said...

That wouldn't work in West Haven. Most residents would most likely place them out in front of thier house for bulk pickup like 2 weeks early.