Thursday, October 05, 2006

6 arrests in the Monday Bomb Scare; 4 more are coming shortly.

NBC 30 news reports that 18 year old Thomas Griffin and 5 "youthful offenders" (aged 16-18) have turned themselves in to the West Haven Police Department. The remaining 4 other male students have apparently made arrangements to turn themselves in as well.

All are being held on $50,000 bond apiece; Mr. Griffin was charged on three charges; the youthful offenders, two.

What an incredible waste of taxpayer $'s for a prank, if you think about it.


Colonial Park Taxpayer said...

I agree 110%!!!! Hard working, responsible parenting taxpayers should not have to pay for this at all. Both the students and the parents need to claim accountability. It's all abount instilling values into your children and provdidng them with the ability to determine right from wrong!!!

EastCoast said...

Clearly 2nd district woes really has no idea what it like for kids who were caught up in the moment and made a really stupid decision. I know what its like to make stupid decisions and pay for them trust me. But if you really feel that the kids should be left to the wolves then sir or madam clearly you have never made a bad decision that or you dont have kids.If you do have kids trust me you dont know what they really do.

Bill said...

To whom it may concern,I was involved in the bomb threat you are prattling about. First of all, you dont no any of us, I was a scholar athlete, playing baseball and hockey. We all have caring parents who did nothing wrong it was our own injudicious decison to follow through with this. We all had no previous disciplinary records.

p.s. Don't ever talk about my family or my friends. You are all worthless loafers. You are all high and mighty with your hippie banter. When are you going to realize people make their own choices regardless of their upbringing.