Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Tax Cut Solutions -- Reader's ideas (October)

I'm going to try a new idea, which is to set up a blog posting each month for readers to post their ideas for how the city can cut taxes. Post and discuss your ideas in the comments - I'll summarize them and put them in the blog post, along with credit to those who think 'em up.
The Truth: Use citizens instead of police officers to direct traffic around construction. (see post).
(thanks to our reader "the truth" for this idea.)

[UPDATE: The problem with this suggestion is that the information scrolls down and off the page - unfortunately Blogger doesn't offer a way to make a topic 'stick' to the top of the page.]


West Haven Tax Payer said...

Given the number of people with children at Staples a couple of nights after school opened, there are definitely lists of supplies coming home. I don't know how extensive these lists are, though.

The problem, as a city with a diverse population, is tht you are definitely going to find students with parents who can't afford school supplies.

My personal feeling is that education is a responsibility of everyone as a society- it's necessary in order to preserve the human race, and isn't tied to whether or not you are a parent.

Colonial Park Taxpayer said...

The blog sound like a nice idea.... But it won't make any difference if noone from the 3rd Floor is looking at them or taking them into consideration @ city council meetings. It would be prudent to keep the list updated and then forward them on to the press or the mayor's office so it's gets out to the people