Monday, August 21, 2006

West Haven Voice, Mayor Picard, and Slamming Former Mayor Borer...

The West Haven Voice has published a letter from Mayor Picard under the title of "FULL DISCLOSURE!". This letter gives the 28 main points (without the full 750 pages of supporting information) in so-called layman's terms... it's greatly oversimplified, but summarizes what was discussed at the Checker's Audit meeting.

Also published on August 20th on the Voice website, is Deborah Evangelista's article entitled "Session Explains Audit". I'd like someone to explain to me when Murray (from Checkers) said:
...that the 5-year capital plan was being used as “pocket money.”
I've seen a couple of articles now that seem to spin this meeting as Borer and his administration abusing the system. Murray, to his credit, did not do that -- instead, he stated FACTS.

If that wasn't enough to convince you that the Voice is on a witch hunt, take a look at this week's editorials:
Clearly, Bill Riccio and the Voice apparently feel that Mayor Borer was trying to put them out of business... personally, I think they ought to stick to the facts, and keep their emotions out of it. There is enough information to digest without having some form of emotive slam on the former Mayor in each one of their articles.

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