Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Dialogue is good, but let's make certain it's factual.

Hey folks -

I'm GLAD we're all up here talking about our town. I'm delighted that many people want to participate, and give their opinions. Opinions are good - but let's keep stay respectful, stay focused on (non-partisan) solutions and reporting about actual events and articles.

Unless you have a source to quote, I really have to ask you to be careful of what you say. There have been several comments that I've rejected outright (and some that perhaps I should have to begin with), because they contain statements about individuals and illegal activity that I have not heard any solid proof of, and that seem particularly mean-spirited.... and without proof, they possibly could be considered libel. If those of you who have alleged illegal activity actually have proof, I would urge you to bring that information to the West Haven Police Department... they're the ones that should handle that sort of statement, not this blog.

I never intended this blog to be a rumor mill, or a place where we cut down other people, whether or not they are in the public eye. Let's keep things civil, please.

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